This statement was last updated on [enter relevant date].

Our Commitment to Accessibility

At [enter organization/business name], we strive to make our website, [enter site name and address], accessible to individuals with disabilities.

What Web Accessibility Means

An accessible website ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can navigate and engage with the site effectively. Accessibility is achieved through system capabilities and assistive technologies.

Accessibility Features on Our Website

This site adheres to WCAG [2.0/2.1/2.2 – select applicable version] guidelines and meets the [A/AA/AAA – select applicable level] compliance level. Our website has been adapted to support assistive technologies such as screen readers and keyboard navigation. Key measures include:

  • Conducting accessibility audits to identify and address potential issues.
  • Defining clear and logical content structures, including headings and page order.
  • Adding descriptive alternative text to images.
  • Using color contrasts that meet accessibility standards.
  • Minimizing motion effects.
  • Ensuring videos, audio files, and downloadable resources are accessible.

Partial Compliance Declaration

Some pages may include third-party content beyond our control, such as [specify third-party name], and therefore, these pages might not fully comply with accessibility standards. Relevant URLs: [list affected URLs].

Accessibility Arrangements

[Include a description of physical accessibility arrangements if applicable, such as parking, entrances, elevators, and assistive devices.]

Contact for Accessibility Support

If you encounter any accessibility challenges or need additional assistance, please contact our Accessibility Coordinator:

  • Name: [Accessibility Coordinator Name]
  • Phone: [Accessibility Coordinator Phone Number]
  • Email: [Accessibility Coordinator Email Address]
  • Additional Contact Methods: [Include if applicable]